Find out what's happening in Mrs. Finn's Kindergarten classroom...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Our reading story this week was I Was So Mad by Mercer Mayer. Through this story we learned the following vocabulary words: allow, frustrated, decide & practice.  Students made text-to-self connections about times that they have been frustrated.  The poem of the week was called, Jack-O-Lantern.  A lot of popcorn words popped up in this poem!  Our two new popcorn words this week were up & run.  Please be sure to practice popcorn words at home.  In Jolly Phonics we worked on the sounds for the letters l & f.  The capital letters we worked on in handwriting were H, K & L.  In math we continued to work on number formation of numbers to 10, counting to 50 from one and random numbers, and counting backward from 20.  We also have been working on patterns, counting objects and numbers and ten frames.  Have a great weekend!
A Peek At Next Week
Reading: Halloween stories
Vocabulary we have learned: creature, imitate, companion, explore, generous, nuisance, energetic, exhausted, soar, tangled, snooze, drowsy, pedestrian, passenger, eager, assortment, enjoy, gooey, container, scrumptious, whirl, scramble, determined, proud, snatch, furious, comfort, welcome, allow, frustrated, decide, practice
Jolly Phonics: b, j
Phonemic Awareness: letter naming, rhyming, onset fluency, blending, segmenting, substituting, adding phonemes, deleting phonemes, language awareness
Math: Numbers to 10, counting, patterns & sorting
Handwriting: U, V, W
Popcorn Word: at, on
Library: Mondays (book return/check out) and Wednesdays

Art: Tuesdays
Music: Thursdays and Fridays 
Gym & Recess: Everyday
Things to review and practice: 
phonics:recognition & sounds of/making words with s, a, t, i, p, n, c, k, e, h, r, m, d, g, o, u, l, f
Counting: forward from 1 and random numbers and backward from 20. Number recognition and counting objects #1-10
Practice popcorn words: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run
Read together :)
A fireman from the Darien-Woodridge fire department will visit us on Monday to learn about fire safety.
On October 31st, students may bring costumes to school to be put on over their clothes for the parade and party.  Weapons will not be allowed.  Candy or other edible treats are also not allowed.  Our school has a costume parade at 1:40 that day, so please come by school to watch if you can.  Our classroom party will be from 2:00-3:00 that day.

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